I am a middle school teacher and author of ten children's books. My latest novel, CONFESSIONS FROM THE PRINCIPAL'S KID (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt), is inspired by my own experiences as a real-life principal's kid. My other middle grade books include THE CLASSROOM series (Disney Hyperion), and THE PAGES BETWEEN US, co-written with Lindsey Leavitt, (HarperCollins). I grew up in Atlanta, Georgia, but now I live with my husband and son on the Central Coast of California.
Favorite book growing up? THE BLACK STALLION.
About Me

My Latest Book

Being the principal's kid means...
1. Outsider status with the "in" crowd
2. Eavesdropping Bingo
3. Secret after school meetings
4. Access to hidden snack stashes
5. No invitations, ever
More books

Virtual Author visits
My 45-60 minute presentation covers the publishing process from idea to rough draft, to revision, to the book shelf. Students will learn how to improve their writing immediately with 3 strategies that published authors use.
Contact me for rates and available dates.